Cabin in the Woods
Winter 2015
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Cottage Life
First Entries:
Cottage Life - August to December 2014

summer we bought a cabin in the woods north of Muskoka.
It is
situated on 28 acres of forest with trees ranging in age from saplings to about
130 years
when the
forest was last clear cut.
We get about
1200 feet of river, lots of rocks, some small creeks and a swamp.
accommodations are a one room hunter's cabin and an old trailer.
Looks like the
last owner had big plans but no one has touched the place in maybe five years.
The access
road is in bad shape so we cannot get the car in.
This is the
story in pictures and a few explanations.....
To contact Mike:

February 28, March 01, 2015 --Back to the Woods
So for the first time this year we returned to the cabin. We came in
the For F150 hopeful that we could get close but the snow was too
deep and immediately we could see there was trouble. It meant a one
hour walk to the cabin. Fortunately our neighbour rescued us and
drove us the last half by snowmobile. The hard pack meant that we
could walk out without snowshoes.
We had fun with the Ecofan which uses the heat differential between
two pieces of metal to create enough current to operate a fan. The
fan acts to spread the heat from the woodstove into the cabin more
efficiently. By the same manufacturer we tried out the Joi
Light. This uses the same principal to generate 19 candlepower from
a little tea light. The electricity is enough to run 8 led lights.
This week I posted two videos. Just click on the photo of the fallen
snow or the Joi light to be taken to the You tube channel.

A lot of Snow

Minus 19 C
(Two below zero in non-communist temperature)

Joi Light -19 candlepower from 1 tea light
Click on the image to see the video


I Fell Down and I Can't Get Up
Click on image to show walking on snow without snowshoes

Walking on Water
(The frozen kind)

Across the River