Picture of the Day
A new picture every day* (*more or less)
Since Jan 1 2006
Now Featuring
<-----June July 2010 August----->
July 31, 2010
Sunrise July 31, 2010 - New York State Throughway
July 30, 2010
La Familia Grocery
July 29, 2010
Open 24 Hours
July 28, 2010
Marycriss, A Prayer for Prosperity
July 27, 2010
Bolivar in the Garden 2
July 26, 2010 Lydia
July 25, 2010 Zoila
July 24, 2010 The Baptism of Huascar
July 23, 2010 Goldenrod
July 22, 2010 Thistle
July 21, 2010 Another Cat
July 20, 2010 Mad Dog
Mikesjournal Chronicles 483 The Caveman Diet
Day 3. Beef Jerky and Blueberries. It is getting down to this; channel the inner dog. I
read the label and discover Limonata San Pellegrino does contain sugar but sugar is
way down on its list of ingredients so I am in the garden typing this and drinking
carbonated limonata. Not pure limonata because I added a 2 oz shot of gin for
medicinal reasons. If it was good for the Queen Mother I'm with the program.
Beef Jerky and Blueberries I am running out of ideas. Eric bet me 200 bucks I will either
put on weight or loose less than 10 pounds by August 31. I was reluctant to take the bet
because I think he is going to win.
For breakfast I had court early and I never eat then but I downed an omega 3 egg fried
in omega 3 oil - God it sounds like the time I was buying indulgences from the
archbishop of Rome...but I digress, an English Breakfast tea without sugar.
Couple glasses water during the morning.
For lunch a salad with pieces of chicken breast, mandarin slices with dried cranberries
with a light Asian dressing. I perhaps went a bit nuts with The spicy Jamaican patties.
The first sign of delirium might be starting to become evident. I nuked them in the
microwave. I repeat that "nuked them in the microwave" - make a note: perhaps I was
starving and ceased to act rationally...starving.
Everyone should know by now but probably doesn't that the microwave converts food
structure to a form that is no longer digestible. The body in fact, recognizes micro waved
DNA as a foreign intruder and sends out mucus to every part of the body in order to
fight off what it perceives to be an alien force. The resultant sludge clogs up all the
internal plumbing of the body. I usually never use the microwave for anything but
heating water and micro waved popcorn.
In my defense this time the patty was frozen and I was too hungry to suck it like a
popsicle. Once heated I opened the patty and only ate the brownish filling which I
presume was some kind of meat. It would of went perfect with ketchup but I did not
have any so I went without. I did loose a scrap or two of the bread envelope but not
much. It was more like the attack of a hungry husky who accidentally chews off a bit of
your glove when, without thinking, you carelessly hand him food in an imprudent
manner. What do you expect?
Beef Jerky and Blueberries I am not sure I can stick with this.
I did not weigh myself this morning.
July 19, 2010 The Face of a Cat
July 18, 2010 Low Carb Meal
July 17, 2010 Flies on the Boston Ivy Flowers
July 16, 2010 Bolivar in the Garden
July 15, 2010 Tree Ripened Peaches
July 14, 2010 One of the Very Early Kings
Mikesjournal Chronicles #437
The Gold Tooth King spoke with the fortune teller. It was good news and bad news he received.
“Your desire will be the end of you. That which you hold dear will fade. That which you love will fade. In the end she will leave you and your heart will ache like a rotten tooth.”
“And the good news then?”
“Oh, that is the good news. The rest is bitterness and despair”
The gypsy told the Gold Tooth King when they last met not to kiss because he was under the spell of a witch. The Gold Tooth King did not obey. He kissed the witch on the lips and her spell turned him into a lovesick fool. The witches’ spirit passed from her mouth to his mouth and was now trapped inside him, aching to return. His spirit entered the witch and was now inside her nourishing and comforting her.
He became an empty shell of pain with a necklace of gold teeth and the inability to taste.”
The Gold Tooth King sent the gypsy away, put ads in newspapers to look for another seer.
July 13, 2010 Tio with the Lemonade
July 12, 2010 Pink Water Lilies
July 11, 2010 iPad Eclipse (Star Walk App)
Galileo rotated the iPad into horizontal mode and tapped the Sky Walk app. He accessed the sky map and held the tablet up to the sun. Galileo marveled at the beauty of what he was seeing for a moment then passed the iPad to his friend. "I can never seem to get enough of this thing."
Copernicus wiped the tear from his cheek. "Yes I know. It always makes me cry. Look at this, how it follows it the sun. It is the sky. With this we own the sky. There is nothing left to do. There is nothing left to discover."
Galileo said, "Don't worry Nico. Think of all the money the astrologers will make."
July 10, 2010 Virgins at The Fatima Shrine in Lewiston NY
July 09, 2010 Little Girl with Red and White Dress
July 08, 2010 Fiery Disk in the Sky at Rest
July 06, 2010 Onion Flowers and the Nectar Drinker
July 05, 2010 Eggplant Flower Bud and Eggplant Flower
July 04, 2010 Gunsmoke
The black shirts move together. Black helmets on, visors drawn, Billy clubs pounding their shields in unison. Each blow of each club building rage against the straggle of protesters. Most of the protesters already gone. They fled, leaving behind only stragglers, the foolish, the old and the lame.
Seventeen thousand black shirts with 1.1 billion dollars in equipment against a few hundred protesters. From the pounding of the clubs against the shields came the chorus, low and slow at first then building with angry rage, louder and louder: "Comply...comply...comply...."
Welcome to the new renaissance. Blood in the streets and tears not only from the canisters of gas.
July 03, 2010 Letymer
July 02, 2010 Over The Hill Clown
July 01, 2010 - Junior
<-----June July 2010 August----->
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Most recent poem: Waiting for My Muse in the Chelsea Hotel December 21, 2009
E-mail: Mike@Mikesjournal.com
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Alphabetical Index to the Poetry of Mikesjournal
Mikesjournal magazine is protected by copyright and publishes from time to time
Most recent poem: Waiting for My Muse in the Chelsea Hotel December 21, 2009
E-mail: Mike@Mikesjournal.com
All photos published in Mikesjournal are subject to copyright laws
Free usage available for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Contact Mike at the e-mail above.
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